Thursday 7 June 2018

Sunrice and CEO Rob Gordon

Well, I've tried to do the right thing - even the 'write' thing - by trying to contact this most elusive company online, both by phone internet and and my computer internet. As you CLEARLY don't want to hear from me in either of those ways, I am now going public as my last avenue of recourse before I take legal advice, because you are obviously Hell-bent on ignoring me. Fine, so be it!

I will address my comments, specifically, to the latest CEO of the Sunrice company that I'm aware of, through online research... are you there, Mr. Rob Gordon? If not, you're about to find out that not all publicity is good publicity - I kid you not, after all the efforts to contact you via your company resulted in total abject failure. This medium will not fail because it is merely the start, if you opt to continue to ignore me.

I have some photos that I want you to see, Mr. Rob Gordon, CEO of Sunrice. These photos are not pornographic but they DO highlight my problem with some of the products that your company puts its name to! Here's the first problem...

These are the products I bought today, having been accustomed to seeing a statement about the product being Gluten Free. As you will see from the photo, your product now contains GLUTEN but I bought it in the full expectation that it was still GLUTEN FREE. I now feel cheated so very much and attempted t contact your company, Mr. Rob Gordon, but you clearly chose to ignore me that way, so I have no choice but to tell the whole world how you cheated and defrauded me - and how many others, who will experience the most horrendous symptoms of gluten indulgence, when everyone had TRUSTED you, obviously in error.

Here is a screen shot of my previous attempt to "keep this between us"...

As you can see, I've tried my hardest to keep my complaint between your company and me, but you've clearly chosen to prevent any contact with your company. I am a Coeliac sufferer who depended on your "previously gluten-free product" and perhaps not the only customer who'll be upset by your move away from a gluten free product, if my complaint via this medium allows it to become PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. I have suffered a financial loss due to my dependence on your product and now have no alternative snack option.

Thank you so very much, Mr. Rob Gordon and

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