Monday 29 October 2012

Where Did We Go Wrong?

The news is full of it these days and I have to wonder how much longer we’ll have a free media in Australia – or anywhere else in the so-called “free world” – to learn and understand it.  Is it a surprise to anyone in this “land of the free” that we can read about religious intolerance that attempts to kill 14 year-old Malala Yousafzai for seeking freedoms that WE take for granted?

What is the story here, about another religion that, unlike our own, seeks to muzzle the media with threats of violence, backed up with actual violence?  Is this a religion at all?  Is there a God of love, as the various churches have tried to tell us about since we were kids?  Or is there a God of hate – with all the same weaknesses as every human being on the planet?

Or is there some sort of middle ground?

No, there is NO middle ground here.  Make no mistake my friends, we are now in the fight of our lives to preserve OUR way of life against those who would muzzle the media and, lest it not end there, want to continue to perform Female Genital Mutilation (aka FGM) against those who can’t defend themselves.

Here’s a link to a story that everyone needs to see.  It comes from Australia’s ABC TV – one of many free and independent resources that the radicals would wish to silence.

This is NOT a story for the faint-hearted, but now is not the time for that sort of heart.  Now is the time for lion-hearts to fight back and say to the world at large that Australia will not permit this savagery to continue.  Not in the name of any religion, but in the name of human rights – the very human rights that radicals in the Muslim world actively seek to take away from us.

And what of that brave young girl from Pakistan who was shot in an attempt to silence her demand for equality in education?  Did she ask for the world to go and kill the Taliban?  No!  Did she ask for the world to change anything at all in Pakistan?  No!  All she asked was for the right, within her own country and her own faith, to have equality in education.

And for this she was the target of an attempted murder!  And here is the story, from their own perspective, about their own failure to kill a young girl as well as an idea :-

If we all merely sit back and accept this news, we are encouraging those forces of evil to threaten US directly.  I do not capitalise “us” to mean the USA, I do it to identify us – ourselves, our families, our descendants.  Do we REALLY want our children – and our children’s children – to have to live under this curse?

If the answer is yes, then fine, that is what will happen and all those family members, friends and close acquaintances who have already died in Iraq and Afghanistan will have died for nothing at all.  I truly hope that you can live with that but I cannot.  Should there be an attempt on my life, as a result of this blog, will it make the slightest difference to anyone?  If not, then I too will die without an appreciable reason – perhaps like the Christians who were fed to the lions in the ancient times.

The difference, for me, is that I’m not a Christian.  Indeed, I’m an atheist, but at least I’m prepared to stand up to defend a way of life that has bound all of us in the western world since the Roman Empire became Christian.  Death holds no fear for me, it is merely the end of everything that is and was “me” – it’s a shame that those Islamic radicals won’t realise how they’ve been conned into making a sacrifice that will not result in 7.2 virgins, let alone 72 of them.

If Christian religion is a lie, Muslim religion would seem to be an ever bigger lie!  When my time comes to die, I’ll have that thought uppermost in my mind.  I can do nothing more than alert my fellow “western” human beings to a threat that will destroy our way of life, our religion and our morals, to be replaced with greater threats against publication of the truth.

Ignore me, western world, but this is not a religion of love as you’ve come to understand it.  Continue to heed the words of those who seek to blind you with passages from the Quran where double meanings permit you to snooze while your way of life ends.  Think about the way Vampire Bats drink the blood of their victims while anaesthetising them – it’s the same thing that’ll be happening to you.

I wish us all the best of luck and, meantime, echo the request of that very brave young girl, Malala Yousafzai, for education to be provided to all in Pakistan, regardless of sex, race, creed, religion... or Taliban threats. How many more brave young girls must die before this very simple and basic request is accepted and actioned?  If WE cannot stand up to support this, we will know where we all went wrong!

1 comment:

  1. IMO I think you're spot on Les. This islam and its islamics do not belong in Oz nor will they ever be as they are unable to adapt to local laws and culture.

    That said, it is CULTURE and not so much race that defines one's ability to think outside the box - be it a religious box or social or both. As long as the ragheads continue to discourage Western (in this case Aussie) culture in their kids and solely inculcate outdated and often backward 7th century islamic idealist attitudes they'll never fit in anywhere except the maybe the Sandpit and other crapholes in the Middle East and Pakkistan.

    It should be no real surprise that commies (aka ALP 'socialists') support islam because your average islamic is anti Western democracy, can't think for himself, and wishes to see the downfall of freedoms and capitalism (something the commies hold dear to their heart). But communism by its Engelic nature is anti-religion - however that never stopped the Bolsheviks of 1915 from coining the term 'useful idiots'.

    As an aside that butt-ugly bitch wouldn't be occupying Canberra if it weren't for the people over the past 50 years who've blindly supported those who have lied to 'em. The overriding stratagem of socialism/marxism is "the ends justify the means" - thus no lie is too big to tell, no promise too outrageous to promote, and no tactic out of bounds. The overall strategy of the Gillard team confirms this mindset, and no doubt it will contnue to do so in the next election campaign conducting a demagogic campaign based solely on emotional appeals to that part of the population the ALP operatives consider "useful idiots" such as islamics.



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