Wednesday 12 September 2012

Can I Just Say...

I'm prepared to bet that many people who read this blog will say "no".  That's their right, of course, and I'll always be happy to defend our freedom of speech, as guaranteed in the Australian Constitution.  So why is it that I'm hearing this superfluous prefix to just about everything that is said by CEO's of major corporations and, of course, so many of the current Australian politicians?

The first point to arise is, yes, of course they can because it's guaranteed by the same freedom of speech that I cherish.  The second point to arise is that they seem to be asking a question and, as such, it deserves an answer - one way or another.  The final point that arises, however, is that instead of waiting for the permission that they seem to crave, the people who INSIST on asking such a question do not wait for the answer - they simply plough on with what they were going to say anyway.

So, for those who are so rude as to ask a question then carry on without waiting for an answer, are you simply so fond of hearing yourself that you can't get enough of it?  I'll wait patiently for an answer to that one... briefly enough to be courteous....

Okay, that's long enough and, as I didn't get an answer to it, will do exactly as you do and just presume that an answer was given in the affirmative.

The phrase adds absolutely nothing but time to your bluster.  We'd all be happier for you to say what you want to say and leave.  The sooner you do that, the sooner we can all get back to doing things that actually matter to us.

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