Thursday 23 August 2012

Can A Certain Irishman Lie Straight In Bed?

It seems to me that I heard the previous CEO - and Managing Director of OUR airline - saying that the airline was in troubled times when the Australian Dollar was low, against the almighty US Dollar.  At the time, I was one of many who nodded sagely, because I knew that most every airline in the world purchases aircraft, aircraft parts and fuel - to name just 3 major items of expenditure - in US Dollars.  This stood to reason because, so far as everyone knew, Australia's flag carrier earned it's money in Australian Dollars.

Sure, it's more of a global economy than ever before in the history of this planet, but OUR national airline presents its financial situation to responsible government agencies here, in Australian Dollars.  Thus, is it not reasonable to expect that all monies paid to OUR airline in foreign currencies arrives on OUR shores in OUR currency?

Okay, so that was then and this is now.  I just saw the most appalling interview on ABC TV's 7:30 program, in which we were told - with totally straight face - that the current woes of OUR airline are due to the HIGH, repeat HIGH, Australian Dollar!  Really?  WTF happened?

Either the previous CEO and MD lied to us all those years ago, or we are being lied to now!  Which is it?  It surely can't be that both are correct!

A quick and simple Internet search reveals that both the former CEO and MD had, on at least one occasion, had drinks with his replacement.  Is there a transparency issue that needs to be addressed here?

I confess to believing those who claim that the Lo-Cos spawned by OUR airline, excluding those that failed and were summarily swept under the carpet, are enjoying a free ride at the expense of OUR airline.  Those voices seem to have been around for a while, most especially during the reign of a certain Irishman.  The voices are, once again, getting louder.

When will the Australian media wake up and smell the issue for what it is?

I can but note that the former CEO and MD received a golden parachute from OUR airline, which undoubtedly played into the airline's bottom line somewhere along the line.  Believe it or not, my Internet research shows that this former CEO and MD of OUR airline is now the Chairman, yes, CHAIRMAN, of Tourism Australia!

He certainly landed on his feet and I'm guessing that the current CEO expects something similar in his future, while he aggressively denies any benefits to his current employees.  No, I don't believe that we all have equal rights in that regard, but I would have hoped that anyone with similar credentials, and with a WILL to ensure the survival of OUR airline, would be entitled to a similar type of reward.  That's only fair.

Sadly, OUR airline appears to have no such leadership and the future is far from rosy for it.  If we don't stand up for it now, we WILL lose it to those whose only desire is to destroy it.

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