Friday 2 March 2012


Thank you, Whirlpool, for your lack of interest in attending to warranty work on my fridge.  You required me to contact your Service Support number, 1300 363 344 so that you can direct me to a place where the service can be carried out.  I called that number THIRTEEN times!

Why did I have to call so many times?  Well, just on the off-chance that you might be interested, here's the summary :-

Call 1. Failed after selection of "option 1".
Call 2 - 7. Failed upon transfer to Service Section.
Call 8 - 13. Failed because the number was engaged.

That number clearly receives a LOT of calls for warranty service so I can only presume that my final 5 attempts failed because the Support Service is overwhelmed with such calls.  This leads me to conclude that you sell a very shabby product for which so many people need warranty service.

Out of sheer desperation, I visited your website.  As there was nothing on the "home" page about warranty service, or any terminology that might imply it, I used your "site search" option.  Here are the results of all my search attempts :-

Attempt 1.
"Oops! we're sorry, but we didn't find a result for
warranty service"

Attempt 2.
"Oops! we're sorry, but we didn't find a result for
product warranty"

Attempt 3.
Your search for warranty returned 4 results.
Warranty (4)
Displaying 4 out of 4 items
  Warranty - GALMMT27L00 - Spanish (17.86 ???OC_MS_KILOBYTE???)  [PDF]
  Warranty - GASMMT24L00 - French (22.23 ???OC_MS_KILOBYTE???)  [PDF]
  Warranty - GASMMT24L00 - Spanish (17.86 ???OC_MS_KILOBYTE???)  [PDF]
  Warranty - GALMMT27L00 - French (22.23 ???OC_MS_KILOBYTE???)  [PDF]

I think that the response to attempts 1 and 2 pretty much says it all about the way you regard customer service for your products.  I was, however, quite fascinated that the 4 results from the 3rd attempt related to PDF files in Spanish and French!  How about a result that's in English?

Your product is a disgrace and your customer service is non-existent so your warranty means absolutely nothing.  You have, therefore,NO CHANCE of me EVER even looking at another Whirlpool product of any sort - and even less chance of me recommending your product in anything other than the terms of my experience.

And, yes, having been "randomly selected" to take part in a survey as a result of visiting your site, I said much the same thing.  I also sent an email about my issues with your concept of warranty service, for which I was promised a response within 3 business days.  Really?  It takes THAT LONG?  I won't be holding my breath then.

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