Saturday 26 November 2011

Telstra - Too Big To Be Bothered About Their Customers

Hey Telstra, have you got your ears on for this?

Every month you send me a bill by email.  Fine, so far so good.  Each month you tell me how to register for Direct Debit.... FAIL... FAIL... FAIL!  For your edification, I have been registered for DD for almost 2 years and it shows up that way every time I log into my account, so why - oh why - can't your brainiacs work out how the check that before sending an email that makes you look so bloody incompetent?

Do you really want me to switch to another provider?  It's not as it you're the only one in the market any more!

And then you have the complete dumbarse idiocity to provide a link in the email that conveys the bill, to direct me to your goddamned useless dumbarse FAQs!  There is no link whatever, that allows me to raise this issue directly with you, but thank you for providing a link to a Forum, where I can ask the question - but only after I damned well bloody register for it!  What the fuck are you thinking?  You already KNOW who I am when I sign into my account!

But, okay, keep pissing your customers off and you'll find that we all vote with our feet.

Thanks for nothing, you bunch of twats.

1 comment:

  1. And if you register to let Telstra remove money from your account, so that you dont have to remember, they will only charge you x$ for the privilege.

    But if you set up an Auto bpay that is under your control, its free...

    Now thats service for you..


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